2 January 2012

Hi my name is Vince, I have my own healing practice and this is my first blog. This blog may have an impact on some of you and some not. You may learn from it or not. It all depends on where you are when it comes to your spiritual self, your higher self, the "I AM ". It also depends on your emotions, are you happy, sad, angry, frustrated or just don't care. Well one thing for sure, I will open up your eyes just a bit more today. 

   Our topic today is the Heart, wow! what is that?. Well, we know it has valves, it pumps blood throughout the body and much more but I am not here to talk about the physical part of it. I am here to talk about "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" the spiritual part of it and how it plays a role with the heart. How many of you know what unconditional love is? Well step outside your door and you will know what it's not. There are few people out of six billion that come a close second and even fewer who give unconditional love. Why? because we think about it but we don't feel it with our hearts. Sure! I love my children unconditionally, my mother, father, my relatives. What about that person who drove right in front of you too close or your boss who constantly angers you or your so-called friend who talks behind your back... what about those people?. What about the people who live on the other side of the world, do they count? Unconditional love is given to all or is not given at all. There is no in between when it comes to unconditional love. Does this ring true? What do you think or should I say, what do you feel with your heart?

      My web site is at www.atouchfromheavenhandsonhealing.com